Their eyes are often pale blue, or gray, or perhaps white without irises. An adventurer can have a score as high as 20. They are all pretty simple and generic, and can range from cute hiking forests, to dark, haunted swamps.
It is a classic Gothic horror campaign, full of blood, gore and curses. There are a total of twenty-five Reaper Leviathans in game. The kelpie can use its action to alter its form to resemble a green-clad woman, a sea horse, or a green horse, or back into its true form, which is a plant. Spellcasters sometimes call upon spiders using summon animal, and spider swarms have a way of popping up just about anywhere at the most inopportune times. All monsters from the 5e SRD (System Reference Document), organized by challenge rating (CR) Please sit and tell us of what you have seen. You then escort him back to make a delivery. Scouts of the Sun Empire are often rangers, including both Beast Masters and Hunters. You will be also able to sort the list as you want.
5, D&D 4E, 5E, Pathfinder, D&D Next, or any other role-playing game.